
Nursery is powered by Greenhouse, which uses Next.js and a variety of other knick knacks generally following this pipeline:

 ├─ markdown body → remark w/plugins via react-markdown → TSX → HTML
 └─ frontmatter (YAML) → gray-matter → JSON

It allows notes to be written in markdown using software like Obsidian, and renders pages underneath dynamic URLs. Because 99% of content uses SSR, the site is generally lightweight and can run with almost no Javascript on the browser.

Some other features:

  • Cross-link between notes that uses a relatively "native" solution via URL encoding
  • Supports YAML front-matter (i.e: Obsidian's properties feature)

Features I want to add1 :

  • Relatively efficient backlinking that gets created at the syntax tree stage (ie, jacky's Quartz backlinks plugin)
  • Full text search and filtering by tags
  • Redoing this entire site in Astro or Gatsby

Wallpapers on the landing page are randomly selected from a few artists that I like, then dithered for stylistic preference.


  1. heavily dependent on how large this site gets.